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Correct & Conceal Camouflage Cream Palette

Product Code : 463
169.80 TL
169.80 TL

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Correct & Conceal Camouflage Cream Palette

Correct & conceal camouflage cream palette is used to cover skin imperfections. It has high concealment properties and makes skin problems and colour fluctuations invisible. Correct and conceal camouflage palette is applied under the foundation. Thanks to its dense texture, it makes the skin ready for make-up by covering the skin imperfections for which foundation is insufficient.

Correct and conceal camouflage cream palette offers six different colour options. Skin colour, salmon pink, yellow, green, purple and orange colours are used to cover different skin imperfections. Camouflage palettes are suitable for all skin types.

The correct and conceal camouflage cream palette is applied to the skin before the foundation to cover imperfect areas of the skin. For proper use of the product, you are recommended to pay attention to make the correct matching between product colour and your skin problems. With the skin colour camouflage palette, you can cover general skin imperfections. With salmon pink, you can neutralize the cold appearance and bruises under the eyes. You can cover skin redness with green and apply the purple colour on the areas you want to brighten. Yellow colour can be used to cover the bruises on the skin and orange colour would be a good choice to cover dark spots. After the comouflage palette, you can apply your foundation and move on to the next steps of the make-up. You are able to hide all your skin imperfections with the correct & conceal camouflage cream palette.

You are recommended to use correct & conceal camouflage cream palette to get a smooth skin appearance in your make-up. This way, you can get rid of the marks disturbing you in just a few minutes. You can choose a correct & conceal camouflage cream palette that suits you from a range of options for every budget. Please note that you will get excellent results with the correct application. Surprise pimples, spots or sleepless nights no longer worry. Thanks to the correct & conceal camouflage cream palette, it is up to you to look good in any case.


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Ürün İade ve Değişim Koşulları
Sitemiz üzerinden satın aldığınız ürünün hatalı çıkması halinde teslimat tarihinden itibaren en geç 7 gün içerisinde sayfamızdaki online destek bölümünden, whatsapp hattımızdan ve ya instagram üzerinden bizimle iletişim kurmanız gerekmektedir. Bu bilgileri takiben kargo şirketi ile bize ulaştıracağınız hatalı ürün yenisi ile değiştirilecektir. 7 günlük süreyi geçtikten sonra yapılan değişim talepleri kabul edilmeyecektir. Kullanılırlığı bozulan ürünlerin değişimi yapılmaz.

Ürün iadesi işlemleri, ürünün müşteriye vermiş olduğu cilt rahatsızlığının doktor raporu ile kanıtlanması sonucu gerçekleşir. Para iadesi 10 iş günü içerisinde müşterinin vermiş olduğu IBAN numarasına yatırılır. Ürün iadesi ve değiştirme şartları olarak, 4077 sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun gereği uygulamalar esastır.

169.80 TL
169.80 TL